#MeTime: Benefit by Prepping in the PM

Already feeling behind as soon as your alarm clock goes off in the morning? Making time for #MeTime is challenging when you spend much of the day trying to catch up.
But there’s a simple way to start the day ahead: Begin the night before.
Sure, it might seem counterintuitive that spending time now means having more time later to do with as you wish. But try some of tips below and see if your days open up more opportunities for #MeTime.

Waiting until the morning to decide what to wear rarely works out in anyone’s favor. Shortly before bedtime, check the weather app on your smartphone, information that will assist you in determining how best to dress. Do cooler temps call for an extra layer tomorrow or are short-sleeves in order?
Also, it’s better to spend a few more minutes mixing and matching now rather than rushing out of the house in an outfit you’re not completely confident about. The same goes for shoes too!

When up against the clock in the morning, a hurried pace can mean neglecting to pack essentials you need for work or other tasks on your to-do list that day. Gather these materials or items the night before and place them in your tote or on a table near the door to ensure an uninterrupted exit.
The same holds true for your gym bag. Getting your workout gear together in advance – clean and coordinated – gives you one less excuse for skipping out.

Similarly, place non-perishables on the kitchen counter, with items like bowls and spoons at the ready so that breakfast is a breeze. Make lunch for tomorrow and place it in the fridge, a habit that could help you save some change and support healthier goals.
The ambitiously inclined will benefit further by deciding upon a dinner menu and doing some prep work or simply relocating ingredients from the freezer to the refrigerator.

Spend time thinking about what you’d like to accomplish the next day, and then put it in writing. Limit your list to a manageable five or six items and assign items into one of two categories: “Need to do” and “Want to do.” Prioritize to be more productive!
Put these tips into practice and see how taking care of a few things at night leaves less to do the next day, making more time for #MeTime.
Discover more #MeTime tips and inspiration here or visit our #MeTime with Sutter Home board on Pinterest.
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