Sutter Home Social Hour
The beginning of a new year is a great time to focus on something that makes you happy. In 2014, make a resolution to share more moments, and more wine, with the ones you love.
To help you stick with this resolution, Sutter Home is introducing Social Hour! Each month, we will share fun ideas for social activities that you can enjoy with all your favorite people.
Whether it’s game night, book club or simply cooking a meal with your friends, our hope is that Social Hour will give you some great ideas (and excellent excuses!) to bring everyone you love close together and share some wine! Dedicate one or two evenings each month to trying something new with friends. Make sure to include Sutter Home!
We want your input on Social Hour. What are some of your favorite things to do while drinking Sutter Home wine? Share your favorite activities or tips for entertaining in the comments below.
Happy New Year! Now let the enjoyable evenings of wine and friends begin!