the burger, that’s all!!!

Pairs well with:


Bright and full-bodied, this Zinfandel wine is a curious contradiction in tastes.


1 and 1/2 lbs. ground chuck
2 teaspoons fresh ground pepper
1/8 cup chili sauce
1/4 cup worchesterschire sauce
4 1/8 inch wide slices swiss cheese
4 thin slices sweet onion
4 thin slices beefsteak tomato
2 avocados sliced very thin
4 leafs of crunchy lettuce
1/2 juicy plump lemon
4 large onion rolls



in a average mixing bowl mix ground chuck, pepper, chili sauce, and worchesterschier sauce. were gloves and use your hands to mix very well. divide into 4 even pieces and roll into balls. put in the refridge until ready to grill. i use a medium size webber grill and i fill 1/4 way up with charcoal. spray with liter fluid and light. when the coals are gray and hot take burgers out of fridge, flatten into patties and put on grill. flip often until they are cooked the way you like your beef. we like med-well so about 20 min. total when done take burgers off the grill and press down to press most of the juices out. take the lemon half and squise the juice over the burgers.